
Definition: Prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism by an individual, community, or institution against a person or people on the basis of their membership in a particular racial or ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or marginalized.

Start learning by clicking a curriculum. 
Do Her No Harm Curriculum
Do Her No Harm
Stories of Health Inequity and Dehumanization Experienced by cis-Women in the Canadian Healthcare System

115 minutes of content - 4 Podcasts
Self-Directed, Journal Club, Classroom

Unlocking Healthcare curriculum
Unlocking HealthCare
Effects of Provider Bias on Patient Health Outcomes

4 scenarios presented in one 13 minute video
Self-directed, Small Group, Classroom

Beyond Healing curriculum
HEAL: Beyond the Surface

Indigenous culture and resilience within the context of a westernized healthcare system.
4 Videos Chapters ~ 30 minutes each
Self-directed, Journal Club, Classroom

Why Story - Videos that share a story
Why Story

A story told through hands.
4 short videos. Estimated total time 1 hour.

Foundational Concepts for LGTBQ2S+ in Health curriculum
Foundational Concepts for LGTBQ2S+ in Health

5 short videos sharing multiple stories and experiences.
Self-directed, Journal Club, Small Group, Classroom

Exploring Wahkotowin curriculum
Exploring Wahkotowin
We Are All Related with the Help of Mistatim - The Horse

One 14 minute video - 3 Lessons
Self-directed, Small Group, Journal Club or Classroom

Environmental Racism
An Introduction to Environmental Racism for Nurses
An Online Heart, Arts, and Land-Based Continuing Education Course for Nurses in Canada

5-10 Hours total - 3 Core Lessons
Self-directed, Classroom

Story of Sasquatch and Raven - Maaym Binben - Berry Bellies
Maaym Binben
Berry Bellies

Story of Sasquatch and Raven
One illustrated story with reflection questions. Lesson 45 minutes.

Sacred Colours curriculum
Sacred Colours
Painting as a Spiritual Practice Two Spirit Perspectives

Participants need supplies and do a painting.
6 Lessons and an introduction totally ~ 6 hours of content
Self-directed, Journal Club, Classroom

Social Determinant of Health curriculum
Social Determinants of Health

14 minute video and one lesson on SDOH given in a documentary style.
Self-directed, Small Group, Classroom

Poem for the Patients/Patience of Chronic Pain Curriculum
Poem for the Patients/Patience of Chronic Pain

One 6-minute video - 45 minute Lesson

Udustlus oosdutaten Beyond colouring
‘Udustl’us oosdutat’en-i
Beyond Colouring

A colouring book that takes you beyond colouring.
Self-paced - Minimum 1 hour

Graphic Art and Medicine
Graphic Medicine
Understanding patient experience through comics

Learn about and create graphic art comics.
6 Hours total - 4 Video Lessons with Exercises
Self-directed, Classroom

Poetry as Medicine - poetry readings
Poetry as Medicine

3 lessons with audio recordings. Average lesson time 30 minutes.
Self-directed, Small Group, Classroom

Red Cedar is Medicine Curriculum
Red Cedar is Medicine

Health from the perspective of Indigenous (Heiltsuk) culture.
10 minute video and reflection questions.
Self-directed, Small Group, Classroom

Residential School Survivor Maurice Sam curriculum
A Residential School Survivor
The experience of the past, the present, the future, and the healing journey.

3 videos, reflection questions and an art activity
1-1.5 hours total time
Self-directed, Journal Club, Small Group, Classroom