Click here for a full list of presentations and publications produced by the Health Arts Research Centre. Below are related and important publications related to health arts.
Erickson, Marion & Striegler, Lisa & de Leeuw, Sarah. (2023). Tell Us When You’re Uncomfortable: An Anti-Colonial Poetic Script with Mosquito, Lisa, Knowing, Western, Caesarean, Written Word, Marion, Being, Medicine, Sarah, and Other Unruly Characters. Canadian Theatre Review. 195. 13-17. 10.3138/ctr.195.003.
Farrales, May & Hoogeveen, Dawn & Morgan, Onyx & de Leeuw, Sarah & Parkes, Margot. (2022). Framing Futurities in Photovoice, Health, and Environment: How Power Is Reproduced and Challenged in Arts-Based Methods. GeoHumanities. 8. 1-20. 10.1080/2373566X.2022.2080095.
Graham, S. 2024. Consent is a low bar: Building a pleasure-centred practice for violence prevention. Abstract
Haidet, P., *Cooper A., *Fecile, M.L., *Melro, C.M., *Moniz, M., Jarecke, J. (2023). Empathy Conundrum. Invited editorial for the Journal ofPatient Education and Counselling. doi: 10.1016/j.pec.2023.108056 [Health professions education, patient-centered care]
Haidet, P., Melro, C.M., *Jarecke, J., *Fecile, M.L., *Moniz, M., Cooper A. (2024). Shared Decision Making Reimagined. Invited editorial for the Journal of Patient Education and Counseling.
Josewski, Viviane & de Leeuw, Sarah & Greenwood, Margo. (2023). Grounding Wellness: Coloniality, Placeism, Land, and a Critique of “Social” Determinants of Indigenous Mental Health in the Canadian Context. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 20. 4319. 10.3390/ijerph20054319.
Macleod, Anna & Luong, Victoria & Cameron, Paula & Burm, Sarah & Field, Simon & Kits, Olga & Miller, Stephen & Stewart, Wendy. (2023). Case-Informed Learning in Medical Education: A Call for Ontological Fidelity. Perspectives on Medical Education. 2. 120-128. 10.5334/pme.47.
Moniz, T., Melro, C. M., Warren, A., & Watling, C. (2024). Twelve tips for maximizing the potential of reflective writing in medical education. Medical Teacher, 1–6.
Wangding, Snow & Lingard, Lorelei & Haidet, Paul & Vipler, Benjamin & Sukhera, Javeed & Moniz, Tracy. (2024). Disorienting or Transforming? Using the Arts and Humanities to Foster Social Advocacy. Perspectives on Medical Education. 13. 192-200. 10.5334/pme.1213.
Canadian Association of Health Humanities - Journal Articles
BMJ Journals - Medical Humanities