his is a film featuring interviews with several public health practitioners working to address and define the Social Determinants of Health (SDOH). It is a foundational view of the meaning of SDOH and the manifold ways in which our socioeconomic realities can profoundly affect our health journeys. Health is often seen as a result of individual choices (nutrition, exercise, sleep) coupled with genetics (predisposition to illnesses inherited from our parents). The film confronts these as a smaller piece of the puzzle when addressing the health of individuals and society at large.
The story is presented as a short documentary. It’s honest, broad, passionate, and invites healthcare audiences to understand health as contextual within the wider circumstances of how we live our lives.
Featuring: Dr. James Frankish, Dr. Jean Shoveller, Dr. Robert Evans, Dr. Paul Kershaw, Dr. Christopher McLeod
RECOMMENDED FORMAT: Self-directed, Small Group, Classroom Course
Go to Facilitation Guides
One 14 minute video and questions.
Est. total length: 30 - 45 minutes
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