The H.E.A.L. Healthcare LEARNING RESOURCE is organized by the BIASES that exist and patients experience within the healthcare system. The learning resource consists of individual and distinct learning and teaching CURRICULA, each of which address one or more biases. Within a curriculum, there are one to several LESSONS that participants interact with to complete the curriculum. The lessons vary in media including video, audio, written word, and hands-on activities.
To start learning:
As you interact with this learning resource remember that:
Each of the curricula within the H.E.A.L. Healthcare curriculum can be self-directed and done by an individual. However, for those that would prefer to work as a collective or integrate the curricula into existing courses, here are some recommended facilitation formats to support organizing your own H.E.A.L. Healthcare Learning Group!
This format is best suited for small or large groups in-person or virtually, that have a total of 1-1.5 hours together. Examples include Lunch & Learns or a dedicated meeting time. Curricula that have single-lessons of 10-45 minutes in length are ideal for one-off small group sessions. Participants work through the lesson as a group in real time. Download and/or print the guide for more information.
Small Group Facilitation Guide
This format is best suited for groups of 20 of less that can meet on a regular basis. Curricula that have multiple lessons of 10-45 minutes in length are ideal for Journal Clubs. The club would review the content ahead of the meeting, spend the time together to discuss the learning and work on the self-reflection questions, and then choose to work through the next lesson as a group or independently. Download and/or print the guide for more information.
Journal Club Facilitation Guide
This format is best suited for small or large classes lead by an instructor. Any of the curricula can be used in a classroom setting or integrated into an existing course. Prep work can be prescribed by the instructor as per their scheduling. Download and/or print the guide for more information.
Course Integration Facilitation Guide