
Definition: Discrimination of and social prejudice against people with disabilities based on the belief that typical abilities are superior.

Start learning by clicking a curriculum. 
Being trauma informed curriculum
Being Trauma Informed and Providing Better Education

5 Videos - 20 minute lessons
Self-directed, Journal Club, Classroom

Why Do you Walk Like that? Curriculum
Why do you walk like that?
Tanihki ekusi ka sipimohtiyen?

A story about MS and the Métis Sash
1 Storybook - 30 minute lesson

On being ill - Generous Listening
Generous Listening
with the 'On Being Ill' Podcast

3 Lessons/Podcasts at 1-1.5 hours each with reflection questions.
Self-directed, Small Group, Classroom

Poem for the Patients/Patience of Chronic Pain Curriculum
Poem for the Patients/Patience of Chronic Pain

One 6-minute video - 45 minute Lesson

Spaal' Curriculum
A Raven with Different Wings

1 Storybook - 30 minute lesson
Self-Directed, Small Group, Classroom

Graphic Art and Medicine
Graphic Medicine
Understanding patient experience through comics

Learn about and create graphic art comics.
6 Hours total - 4 Video Lessons with Exercises
Self-directed, Classroom

Dementia Curriculum - Animated story

A story about health from the perspective of a man experiencing a progressive form of dementia.
Lesson time about 45 minutes.
Self-directed, Small Group, Classroom

Exploring Wahkotowin curriculum
Exploring Wahkotowin
We Are All Related with the Help of Mistatim - The Horse

One 14 minute video - 3 Lessons
Self-directed, Small Group, Journal Club or Classroom

Udustlus oosdutaten Beyond colouring
‘Udustl’us oosdutat’en-i
Beyond Colouring

A colouring book that takes you beyond colouring.
Self-paced - Minimum 1 hour