Introductory animation about the H.E.A.L. Healthcare Learning Resource.



H.E.A.L. Healthcare: Hearts-based Education and Anti-colonial Learning

The Hearts-based Education and Anti-colonial Learning curriculum brings together artists, writers, activists, and people with lived experience to create arts-based anti-oppression learning materials for healthcare educators, professionals, and practitioners.

Our goal is to use the arts to address oppressive behaviours and attitudes that we all hold and that permeate healthcare systems and culture. The curricula provided on this site address the longstanding and well-established evidence that health disparities exist because of racist, colonial, able-body/minded, geographic, economic, and gendered inequities.

The H.E.A.L. Healthcare learning resource is for everyone who touches healthcare: practicing healthcare providers and professionals, healthcare staff and administrators, healthcare educators and institutions, and healthcare students. 

Getting Started!

1. If you haven't yet, watch the Introductory Video

H.E.A.L. Healthcare Introduction Video

2. Learn How to Use the this Learning Resource.

How To Use this Learning Resource

3. Start Learning from the Curricula!

Start Learning - Curricula




How to Use this Learning Resource

The H.E.A.L. Healthcare LEARNING RESOURCE is organized by the BIASES that exist and patients experience within the healthcare system. The learning resource consists of individual and distinct learning and teaching CURRICULA, each of which address one or more biases. Within a curriculum, there are one to several LESSONS that participants interact with to complete the curriculum. The lessons vary in media including video, audio, written word, and hands-on activities. 

To start learning:

  1. Go to the Curricula page and select a bias to address.
  2. Within that bias, select a curriculum to complete.
  3. In that curriculum, work through the lessons in order. 
  4. At the end, complete the evaluation form to share your input.

As you interact with this learning resource remember that:

  • Each curriculum was created by a unique contributor or team of contributors with lived experience and expertise, and their content reflects their unique language, experience, and creative process.
  • There is no prescribed order to complete the learning resource. Which bias and associated curriculum you start with depends on you.
  • The majority of the curricula address more than one bias, so you will intersect with most curricula under multiple biases.
  • There will be moments of discomfort as you work through the lessons. The expectation is that you’ll approach each lesson leading with your heart first. 


Graphic showing the flow and structure of the H.E.A.L. Healthcare learning resource.